
About Feature Envy Productions

Now headquartered in a wayward house in the crispy crunchy mountain air of the general Denver Area, Feature Envy Productions was founded [originally in Texas] for the purpose of inflicting various stories on an unsuspecting [American] society whose brains are saturated with media that seems to be about the same five protagonists recycled over and over again. And we all enjoy the ecstasy of numbing our brains with over-manufactured, accessible brain candy from time to time. But let's face it, pals...Despite mainstream media's assertion that every story worth telling has to about the same guy basically, people actually come in all shapes/sizes/races/sexes/genders/sexual orientations/romantic orientations/etc...so why shouldn't protagonists like them get to be in stories too? Especially since some people just happen to write characters that fall outside big media's [buff white] norm anyway. Feature Envy Productions exists to produce some works that happen to have characters that have characteristics that maybe...put them outside the mainstream. Right now it's just one simple person and a pet cartoon spider doing comics, but one day that will hopefully expand to many strange people doing comics, then we'll spread like a fun virus to other media forms. Yay! Maybe one day, this newborn companyling will grow into a great big media giant, and we'll be in your face every lovely day bringing you whatever the heck we please. Hey anything could happen. That's why our motto is

"If you're gonna dream, dream big."

About EJ (President/Founder/CEO/Supreme Overlord of Feature Envy Productions)

If there's two life-long habits he's developed over the course of his life, it's finding ways to survive in the awkward social situations that come with leaving his home state for somewhere he's never lived, and starting 8 million projects despite the myriad of other things that demand his attention.

When he's not writing/drawing/playing music/working on this marginally satisfactory website/dabbling in electronics/cooking/driving/watching lectures/generally getting distracted by new projects instead of finishing old ones, he works as a software engineer/programmer/full time nerd.

He has reluctantly transplanted himself in Colorado with his clutter family - a stack of animation frames, 42039483049823 drawing pads, and two cats who are much much smarter than him (not that that's saying a lot). Smart enough to get very very angry when they don't get scheduled pets and treats.

About Spiderfriend

Spiderfriend - the little magenta spider you see from time to time - is our mascot. She likes to hang out and dust the cyberdust off of projects and just generally keep you company. She's also a pathetic attempt to make spiders less terrifying (Note: it didn't work. non-cartoon spiders are still terrifying).

All of the created manga and comics (original characters, plots, fictional place names, etc) on this site belong to EJ. If you want to use them, kindly ask :D. The things that DON'T belong to EJ are some of the fonts (right now just the Google Noto fonts, which are stated to be free to be used in publications) and some of the screentones/brushes (designated specifically for free use) you see used in various places. This disclaimer will be updated as my list of resources changes. In the meantime, a more thorough disclaimer is available over at the tumblr blog.

You can read our Privacy Policy here.

Fulfill our mighty and unhealthy need for constant validation by following us on your favorite social media websites :D